Thursday, March 20, 2008

Pinched Back to Reality

Black clouds engulfed the clear sky,
The light of the day was about to die,
The morning dew had just vanished
Leaving the leaves, stale and dry!
Faded colour of the buildings near by
Added to the dull melancholy of the day
Moss and rust had not just appeared;
They had come here to, forever, stay.
Devil's manifestation had an upper hand
In transforming the day to a dark night,
The clutches of agony had squeezed the moment
And deprived us of our happiness, our 'light'!

Standing at the door, I looked beyond,
To find a living leaf, a blade of grass;
Barren land and naked stones welcomed my gaze,
All that was visible, was rather a farce...
Falling on my knees, I looked up and prayed,
Prayed for reality, for that 'ray' of light;
To return me my strength, my hope, my faith,
My love, my life, my happiness, my 'might'.
I needed them all to break open the doors
Which lead the way to places unknown;
I could only see a flickering flame
About to die; a stale poem, an old lonesome stone...

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