Saturday, March 8, 2008


Love has been very kind to me, for giving love to me;
Because today she defines love for me,
And I get lost in that feeling of completeness and warmth
Which she brings with herself, every time she is with me.
Her eyes, which make me feel special in every way;
Her words, which ignite emotions unknown,
Her hugs, which create the wish to live again,
Her gestures, which can melt the strongest of stones.
That is love for me, nothing beyond her existence,
That is where I stay, in complete happiness and peace,
That is my world, where I want to live forever,
And, my heart is where she lives.

Today, suddenly, I woke up from this dream,
And saw my house being snatched away,
I only stood in amazement at what was happening,
And kept on wondering, now, where would I stay.
I saw the ground beneath my feet
Being dug down till I fall in it,
And I felt helpless about what should I be doing
To save myself from falling in it.
Suddenly the sky became grey, and cloudy,
And thunder started deafening my ears;
And I could see myself melting down
In the flow of my own tears.

Happiness is always a guest for few moments
After which it leaves us in thirst of itself.
This truth was staring at me now
And, then, I was trying to hide myself;
Hide from the truth that slapped me every time I looked at it;
The truth I would have preferred to lie hidden somewhere;
The truth of my life, and of the relation I was living on;
The truth which blinded me with its glare!
However, I had to live with it, no matter what,
As I believed that my love would look back at me again
To embrace me in her heart, and hug me;
And to drench me of all my sufferings and my pain.

With every tear rolling down my cheeks, I found myself burdened
With the task of hiding my pain with the camouflage of a smile
And I tried my best to theatre my acting skills now;
But eventually I realized that all this was in vain, all this while!
I could not hide my pain under the veil of smiles,
As my smiles spoke lies more than my eyes,
Filled with disgust I stared at that truth
Till it blinks or my world dies!
And my world came to a standstill with this truth,
And I lost my life in a stampede of pains,
I lost my heart, to devil’s hand,
And found my soul in torture’s mane!

Suddenly, a splash of water awakened me,
And I found that angel standing in front of me;
I realized that the nightmare was not true
And I still had my angel with me.
All that I had seen was just a dream,
The ground underneath my feet had not been taken away,
Love had not merely knocked my door,
She had come in my life to stay.
I pulled her close, and hugged her tight;
I held her close, to feel her presence
I again found myself in my home
Where life was paradise, and love was in abundance!

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