Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The Dream Of an Awake Indian

Why to fall to one’s knees?

See the world, as everyone rises high!

Stand up and fight the clutches of agony,

Fight till you win, or, with honour, die!

We are a nation of awake people,

Of many a warrior, of strength and might!

When we stand together the world trembles!

When we strike; no one dares to fight!

Our freedom struggle stands testimony of the valour of this nation!

Our fore-fathers our idols, of strength and might!

Our poets and our musicians creating magic everywhere!

Our leaders have always taken our nation to great heights!

Then why are we ashamed of being Indians?

Why are we not proud of the country we live in?

Why are we falling prey to dogmatic beliefs and hypocrisies?

Why are we not raising our voice against forces so mean?

Our country is beautiful, with its culture and heritage;

We are rich in our means, and when we look at the start

We see ourselves standing from the ashes of our own nation,

But we stand upright now, with pride in our heart!

The beggar on the road, and the tattered clothes should not pull us down,

But make us responsible of seeing the obvious, and removing the same.

To see our nation proud of its teeming millions,

We should fight it, rather than be ashamed!

The day we Indians raise all together,

And stand against all such hurdles in our path,

They will be crushed beneath our feet and pulverized beyond existence;

And India would be but ‘heaven on earth’!

I know it’s a dream of a patriot Indian,

But how I hope all Indians dreamt this,

How I hope I could see a person making a difference,

With a little hug, or a small kiss!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Lost in Front of The Fear of Death!!!

Like a dark cloud engulfing the sky,

The light of life was getting dimmer;

The past episodes played back in my mind,

The difference between life and death was getting slimmer!

In spite of living for so many years,

I felt as if I had not lived at all,

I could remember everything that happened with me,

Suddenly life looked so small!

To gather courage I applied my mind

To find a reason to happily die;

To reason out the fear associated with death

And emanate courage from truths or lie!

Life is a journey, a river flowing by;

Death is a destination where the river meets the ocean!

I do not understand why the ocean looks fearful;

It is but us only, Almighty’s creation.

We separate from that ocean as droplets of water,

And land on a body where we see life

Hence our journey should always be towards reaching that ocean again

In reality, it is that for which we strive.

All the reasons sounded so good;

Everything made me feel intelligent and smart

However, in the back of my mind

How I hoped I could go back to the start!

All reasoning failed in front of the harsh truth,

And the truth was that I did not want to die,

I wanted to live, for life, for love,

And everything else was a farce, a lie!

I remembered my mother’s warm hug

Every time I succeeded in whatever small way;

I wanted to lie in her lap and cry,

I wanted to be with her every single day!

I remembered my father, his bold strong voice;

And how he always stood as the strongest pillar of our life

His guiding hand in every endeavor we ventured into;

His concern even when we handled a small knife!

I remembered my sister, my support in everything

How she stands by my side in pranks and success

How she smiles when I fall, and teaches me to get up on my own;

I wanted to tell her that I loved her, which I might have told so less!!!

I remembered my dreams, of big aims and success;

Of a huge car, a huge house, an enormous life!

And how I also planned to realize those dreams;

But always failed when it came, for it, to strive!

How I hoped I had not done the mistakes that I did,

How I hoped that everything in life would be good!

I feared looking back at all that I had done,

I feared to see life from where I stood!

I only realized how foolish people are

When they say they want to die,

Because when it comes to seeing death on its face

The dreadful flash shuts your eye!

I realized it’s not a joke to stand at the edge,

It’s not a joke to see death in the eye!

It’s not a joke to see life slipping away from your hand,

It’s not a joke to see the end nearby.

I just hoped for a second chance,

To correct all that that I had done wrong!

So that at least if I meet God Almighty,

I can hold my ground, and stand strong!!!